Petting Zoo
Don't miss the largest petting zoo in Columbus, Ohio
Come meet our herd! The animals are super friendly and love to have visitors.
OPEN 10AM - 4:30PM
Meet Our Deer
Fun Deer Facts
Deer can jump 10 feet high
Deer can run as fast as 40 mph
Most wild deer only live to be 2 or 3 years old. Our deer might live to be 20!
Deer can consume up to 7 pounds of food a day
Meet Our Goats
Fun Goat Facts
Pygmy goats originated in West Africa
A group of goats is called a tribe
Goats have accents, just like people
According to legend, coffee was discovered when a goat herder named Kaldi noticed his goats dancing after eating berries from a coffee tree.
Many of our goats are an endangered breed called San Clemente Island goats. We are the only breeder in Ohio working to re-populate the species. Fewer than 1,700 exist worldwide.
Meet Our Pigs
Fun Pig Facts
There were dinosaur pigs called Enteledonts
Kune Kunes are the smallest pig breed (teacup pigs don’t really exist)
Pigs don’t sweat, they use mud to keep themselves cool in the summer
Pig squeals are 10 decibels louder than a jet engine
Meet Our Zebu
Fun Zebu Facts
Zebus originate from South Asia
Both male & female Zebus have horns
Zebus only reach 32-36 inches tall
If faced with danger Zebus can reach a speed of 25 miles per hour
Zebu is one of the oldest breeds of cattle in the world and the only type of cattle that can live in tropical rainforests. Zebus originate from South Asia, but can be found on farms all over the world. Wild zebus are endangered by habitat loss as a result of deforestation, but they are not yet listed as an endangered species.
Meet Our Rabbits
Fun Goat Facts
Rabbits are classified as Lagomorphs (not rodents) and have more in common with horses than any other animal
Like cats, rabbits can be trained to use a litter box
Happy rabbits will “purr,” making a chattering noise with their teeth
A rabbit’s life span is about 8 years
Meet Our Chickens
Fun Chicken Facts
Chickens are believed to be the closest living relative of the Tyrannosaurus rex
There are more chickens in the world than people
According to scientists, people started keeping chickens 8000 years ago
Mother hens and their chicks can talk to each other before they hatch